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CDP, an international non-profit organization, represents 822 large institutional investors with assets valued at 95 billion dollars who require information on the environmental performance of the companies they rank.

For the 5th year in succession ACCIONA has achieved the top score in performance against climate change, being part of “The Climate A” listin which only 113 companies from over 2,000 analyzed worldwide are recognized for their efforts to reduce emissions and offset climate change.

ACCIONA also scored highest in environmental transparency with 100 on 100, which means itheads the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI).

ACCIONA’s unbeatable result was recognized during the ceremony to present the report titled CDP Climate Change 2015 Iberia Edition” through the award of the Record Score of 100A. The award was collected by Félix Rivas Anoro, General Manager of the Area of Innovation, Environment and Quality and General Manager, Purchasing of ACCIONA.

Through this award CDP recognizes the efforts made by the company to take measures to fight climate change, exemplified by the fact that 76% of ACCIONA’s EBITDA and 40% of its global sales come from activities included in the Green Economy section of the United Nations Program for the Environment. In line with this business model, ACCIONA avoided 28 times the CO2 generated in its productive activity in 2014 thanks to the efforts made by the company to reduce its energy consumption and emissions by 70% in the last ten years (over sales).


Other achievements by ACCIONA in the same direction include:

  • The analysis of greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption in 100% of our supply chain.
  • SCO2PE by ACCIONA: a program in which we work with vendors to drive the reduction of CO2 emissions.
  • The analysis of the risks and opportunities for ACCIONA associated with climate change.
  • An increase in the environmental economic figure of 8% against the previous year, reaching 560 million euros.

This recognition of ACCIONA takes place three weeks before the holding of COP21 in Paris, a conference in which world leaders should reach a global agreement to reduce carbon emissions and limit the increase in temperatures on the planet. For its part, ACCIONA considers that the private sector also has the responsibility and an opportunity to take an active part in the creation of a low-carbon economy.