José Manuel Entrecanales, ACCIONA's Chairman, participated in a meeting between Spanish business and the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon, which was organised by the Spanish Global Compact Network.
At the encounter, which coincided with the 60th anniversary of Spain joining the UN, Ban Ki-Moon formally presented the Sustainable Development Agenda, which was launched in September, and he encouraged Spanish companies to take the lead in achieving it.
José Manuel Entrecanales, Chairman of ACCIONA, was one of the business representatives who participated in the conference. He highlighted the importance of the recently approved Sustainable Development Objectives and the numerous challenges and opportunities they pose for the private sector. ACCIONA's Chairman encouraged business to make an active commitment to the Objectives and gave some examples of ACCIONA's contribution to objectives 6, 7, 9 and 13, related to water, infrastructure, energy and climate change; he urged companies to adopt the fight against climate change as a priority in their business strategy.