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  •  The expansion raises the contract value to 112 million euros against the initial 90 million
  •  Plant capacity will go from 100,000mto 150,000mper day to provide clean drinking water to 6 million people

ACCIONA has been awarded a contract to expand the Putatan 2 brackish source potable water plant in the Philippines. Earlier this year, ACCIONA obtained the contract to design, build, operate and maintain the Putatan 2 plant, with an initial capacity of  100,000m3/day. This has now been extended to 150,000m3/day.

The initial contract value for the project was around 90 million euros, but with the additional capacity it will rise to 112 million euros.

The plant will provide clean drinking water to nearly 6 million people and will be located in the municipality of Muntinlupa, at the southern end of the metropolitan area of Manila. It will be built next to an existing potable water plant (Putatan 1). Construction work will last 22 months as a result of the additional capacity, instead of the original 18 months.

Putatan 2 is ACCIONA’s first contract in the Philippines and its flagship for developing its business in Southeast Asia, a market with great potential for infrastructure projects.

Maynilad Water Services Inc. (MWSI), the company that manages water supplies and wastewater treatment for the 17 cities and municipalities that form the western part of Greater Manila, awarded the contract to a joint venture consisting of ACCIONA Agua and the local companies Jardine Electric Control Philippines (JECP) and Frey Fil.

One of the main features of the new plant is its advanced treatment process for raw water in Laguna de Bay, the biggest lake in the Philippines and the second biggest inland freshwater lake in Southeast Asia. Within 18 months the process will guarantee clean water that is healthy and has a good taste with a very small carbon footprint associated to it.

This potable water plant is a major step forward towards providing drinking water to an ever larger section of the ever expanding Manila population.

The treatment plan for the new facility includes a number of processes to guarantee potable water, among them Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF), Biological Aerated Filter(BAF), Ultrafiltration (UF), Reverse Osmosis (RO) and disinfection in different stages through the oxidation of particular compounds.