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Local Wedderburn and Charlton community, sport and education initiatives could be set to benefit from a community sponsorship program from ACCIONA, the developer of the proposed Berrimal wind farm.   

Applications for ACCIONA’s 2015 Berrimal wind farm community sponsorship program are now open.

ACCIONA Senior Manager Iain Lawrie said it would be good to see a broad cross-section of community groups from the Wedderburn and Charlton region supported through the sponsorship program.

“ACCIONA takes pride in supporting local communities and our sponsorship program is one of the many ways in which we can form positive local partnerships.”

ACCIONA’s Berrimal wind farm community sponsorship program began in 2012.  In 2014 the company awarded more than $12,000 to support local initiatives including the new Berrimal Fire Station, Charlton and District preschool, Wedderburn College and the Wedderburn Football Club, as well as other local groups.

Applications for the 2015 sponsorship program are now open.  For more information, please contact ACCIONA’s Community Relations Co-ordinator on 1800 283 550 or download the application form at:  

Applications close on 27 February 2015.