Our global presence

ACCIONA presents it first talks about reverse osmosis desalination

Water30 Apr 2024

ACCIONA held its first panel discussion in its series of Talks designed to promote regenerative a...

ACCIONA | SAINZ XE team achieves its first victory in the opening event of Extreme E 2024

Corporate19 Feb 2024

ACCIONA's team secured a triumph in Sunday's Desert X Prix in Saudi Arabia, positioning ...

ACCIONA|SAINZ XE team starts 2024 extreme e season in Saudi Arabia

Corporate15 Feb 2024

This initial Desert X Prix will reflect the impact of desertification and the need for c...

ACCIONA wins the sustainable contractor of the year award

Water8 Feb 2024

ACCIONA has won the Sustainable Contractor of the year award at the BIG Project ME Awards for its...

ACCIONA leads a project for the extraction of high-value elements from seawater brine

Water1 Feb 2024

As part of its commitment to sustainability and innovation, ACCIONA has launched the MINERALS pro...

ACCIONA is certified as ‘2024 Top Employer’ in ten of its main markets

Corporate18 Jan 2024

ACCIONA has obtained it for the first time the certificate in Peru and the Philippines.

Last stories


Energy efficiency to achieve greener buildings

Cities1 Nov 2023
According to the latest United Nations report (UN), 68% of the population will live in cities in 205...

Immersive experiences are here to stay

Social2 Oct 2023
In a continually evolving world in which the technological possibilities seem endless, attracting th...

Regenerative infrastructures to mitigate the effects of climate change

Water19 Sep 2023
More and more cities around the world are looking for ways to build regenerative infrastructures in ...

Our projects from another point of view

Tapping into the sea’s potential to provide islands with sustainable drinking water

Islands rank among the regions hit hardest by climate change and water stress. However, as evidenced by the success story of the Canary Islands, desalination technologies offer a promising solution to mitigate the drinking water shortage.

Our projects from another point of view

How 23 wind turbines conquered their epic Peruvian desert journey

Transporting the San Juan de Marcona wind farm components from the Peruvian port of Paracas to its site 150 miles south in the province of Nazca has been a veritable logistical feat. Read on to learn how we did it.

Our projects from another point of view

Solar-powered irrigation: a new partnership between farming and the Sun

ACCIONA Energía has installed the world’s biggest irrigation system to be powered by a solar plant without batteries in Montesusin (Aragon, Spain).

The latest news about sustainability

Evolution of climate change: where are we at, and where are we going?

A detailed analysis of climate change progress, extreme weather phenomena and global action to reduce CO2 emissions.

The latest news about sustainability

Water reuse technologies, an ally in the battle against emerging contaminants (ECs)

Biological effects and the consequences of emerging contaminants (ECs) on ecosystems can be mitigated through water treatment.

The latest news about sustainability

From Paris to Singapore, cities adapt to cope with heatwaves

From roof gardens to urban shade policies, discover the promising measures cities are adopting to fight the heatwaves feared for 2024.

The latest news about innovation

This "Water Lily" Will Bring Floating Photovoltaics to the Sea

An innovative membrane technology, tested in the Sierra Brava reservoir, paves the way for floating photovoltaics in marine environments.

The latest news about innovation

AI Reveals Complex Language Patterns in Sperm Whales

Scientists at MIT have turned to AI to understand the language of sperm whales and discovered complex human-like communication systems.

The latest news about innovation

Desalination Plants: A Gateway to Extracting Vital Raw Materials from the Sea

The extraction of high-value raw materials like lithium and rare metals from seawater desalination brine is a significant step toward achieving a circular economy.

The latest in People

Maslow’s pyramid: a theory in search of professional and personal fulfilment

Our motivations, both those that have to do with personal issues and professional development, are divided into levels. But in order to desire high goals, there are certain vital needs that we should first have covered. When, for example, we enjoy a safe working environment where we feel confident, we can aspire to more ambitious... View Article

We discuss Maslow’s Pyramid theory in the workplace and how understanding people’s motivations and needs can help to enhance their professional and personal development.

The latest in People

Sushana Karki: “Our projects place great importance on the sentiments of the community and the history of the area.”

Geospatial manager at ACCIONA Energía Australia. Trained as a plant scientist, she carried her environmental concerns and curiosity into her current role, where she provides GIS input in planning, developing, and constructing renewable energy plants.   From a young age, Sushana Karki was accustomed to seeing the world from high above, almost as if from... View Article

Geospatial manager at ACCIONA Energía in Australia. Trained as a plant scientist, she carried her environmental concerns and curiosity into her current role, where she provides GIS input in planning, developing, and constructing renewable energy plants.

The latest in People

From harmony to integration: updating the concept of work-life balance

Personal life or work life? Being a good parent or a good professional? Sometimes theories of work-life balance have led us to think of the professional or the personal as two worlds at odds with each other. We all have the image of the scales in our heads: work on one side and everything else... View Article

We reflect on the idea of no longer understanding personal life and professional life as two opposing forces that need to be levelled out. What if, rather than of balancing, it is a question of integrating?